Overview and check payment phasings via listview sales orders

MJA Updated by MJA

If you work with payment phasing on sales orders, it can be useful to see in 1 overview:

  • total order value
  • total payment phasing value
  • difference
  • warning “red”

You can find this list view within the sales order module.

  1. Go to the sales order module
  2. Find the sales orders you want to see in your list or do show all
  3. Click on the 3 dots to the right of 'sales order list'
  4. Choose payment phasing list
So a list view is not a search!

If you would like more information about creating a payment phase, click here

If you would like more information about linking payment phasing to a sales order, click here

If you would like more information about changing a linked payment phasing, click here

How did we do?

Set a sales order to 'paid'

Why is the sales price not adjusted and what is the difference between updating and indexing product prices?
