Set a sales invoice (partly) to paid manually

MJA Updated by MJA

General operation of collecting payments:
Paying a purchase or sales invoice is normally done by retrieving outstanding items from Twinfield. Click here for more information.
If Newbase recognizes the invoice number from the outstanding invoices in Twinfield, Newbase will create a payment line under the invoice equal to the invoice amount minus the outstanding amount in Twinfield, so that the difference can be updated.
If the invoice is no longer included in Twinfield's open invoices, Newbase will automatically create a payment line equal to the full invoice amount and the 'paid' checkbox will then automatically be checked.
If you remove the payment line from the invoice, the check box will be cleared again.
You can also create a payment line manually if desired, and when creating that payment line you can also enter the amount paid, and if this is equal to the invoice amount, the check mark will be selected based on that.

Manually set a sales invoice to paid:

  1. Find the relevant invoice and go to the 'Sales invoice payment' widget > click on the pencil icon. If you are already in edit mode, click directly on the plus icon
  2. A pop-up opens in which you can enter the amount paid and add a description/reason > click on save
  3. The invoice is now paid and will no longer be shown in searches regarding open invoices. Unless you entered a partial payment

How did we do?

Give a sales invoice another date - backdating

Whether or not to print a sales invoice line with number 0
