Prepay a purchase invoice (pro forma purchase invoice)

MJA Updated by MJA

There is probably already a purchase order, but not a goods receipt yet.

  1. Create a purchase invoice in Newbase
  2. Enter the relevant amount including VAT on the purchase invoice, in this example Euro 121,00 incl. VAT (Euro 100,00 nett)
  3. Create a separate purchase invoice line with ledger account "prepaid" items "*. The nett amount of the line is Euro 100,00.
*If the ledger account 'prepaid items' does not yet exist, it can be created in Newbase. This ledger number must also exist in Twinfield.
  1. Book the purchase invoice to Twinfield so that it can be paid

Goods received and final purchase invoice received?

  1. Create a goods receipt in Newbase and lock it**
**If journal entries are used, the journal entry in Twinfield will be 'stock to invoices to be received'
  1. Create a new (2nd) purchase invoice
    1. Have you not received a new purchase invoice? Then duplicate the 1st purchase invoice to a new purchase invoice and complete the invoice number of the supplier with "/2"
    2. If you have received a final purchase invoice, you can enter it via Basecone. If you receive a message that the invoice is duplicated because the number is already known in Basecone, fill in the invoice number with "/2". You don't have to make any further adjustments in Basecone: transfer the invoice to Newbase
  2. Enter Euro 00.00 at the invoice amount incl. VAT
  3. Link the goods receipt lines to the purchase invoice
  4. There will be an amount of Euro 100,- in the purchase invoice line
  5. Add a 2nd purchase invoice line to the purchase invoice with ledger account 'prepaid items'  á Euro -/- 100,- (€ 100,- negative)
  6. Book the purchase invoice (balance Euro 0) to Twinfield

Everything is now straightened out: the balance of the ledger account "prepaid items" is zero after this.

Add a comment to the description within the purchase invoice, so that you know the underlying purchase invoices. (for example “ATTENTION!, prepaid payments associated with purchase invoices XXXX”.)
If the amount of the goods receipt lines deviates from the amount of the original invoice, this means that there is a difference between what the supplier charges and the amount for which you thought you were purchasing. This may be related to, for example, transport costs that are not on the purchase order but are charged by the supplier, or a difference in the purchase price. In that case, you will have to book the difference separately and NOT on the ledger account "prepaid items": if you do this, the balance will not be zero and you will therefore be left with an "unexplained" difference in the administration.

How did we do?

Cancel a purchase order

Indicate goods that will no longer be received
