General information ledgers

MJA Updated by MJA

Ledger numbers can be used in various places within Newbase and are included when booking to Twinfield.

Ledger numbers in Newbase must be exactly the same as in Twinfield.

It is not necessary to enter all ledger numbers in Newbase, mainly the revenue and expense accounts and in any case also the debtors and creditors account. From the moment the link is made with Twinfield, it is important that the data is entered correctly. During the implementation phase, you can choose to temporarily work with a Twinfield test environment.

The ledger numbers as set in Newbase apply to all companies you work with in Newbase. If you work with multiple companies in Newbase and the companies have exactly the same chart of accounts, you only have to enter them once. Based on the administration code, it is then booked to the correct company. If companies have different charts of accounts, you must read them both into Newbase.

How did we do?

Change value lists

Create or change ledger numbers
