Indicate that goods will no longer be delivered

MJA Updated by MJA

You can indicate in various ways that goods will no longer be delivered:

1. Within a sales order itself > on the sales order line

2. Within an issue itself > on the issue line

3. Within the modules (adjust a series of rules in 1x):

  • Sales order lines to be delivered
  • Assembly order lines to be delivered
  • Service request lines to be delivered

​1. Indicate on the sales order​

  1. Go to the relevant sales order and make sure it is unlocked
  2. Go to the widget 'selected line delivery qty' . Where this widget is located may differ per person and can be placed anywhere you want.
  3. ​Note: Select the relevant line for which you want to indicate that it has been 'completely delivered'
  4. Then check the all delivered check box within the widget
  5. In the 'delivery status summary' widget, the quantity of this line will now be set to 0
  6. If you want to indicate at once for all lines that they will no longer be delivered, indicate this for 1 line as described above and then click on the 'replace' icon as shown below. Newbase then asks if you want to copy the content for all lines

​2. Indicate on the delivery note

  1. Go to the relevant delivery note
  2. In the 'delivery note lines' widget you can set the line to yes in the 'fully delivered' column

​3. Indicate 'to be delivered' within the module

  1. Within the modules below you can indicate for a series of lines that they will no longer be delivered:
  • Still to deliver sales order lines
  • Still to deliver assembly order lines
  • Still to deliver service request lines
  1. Find the lines that you will no longer deliver
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the top right and choose replace > fully delivered

How did we do?

Deliver more goods than on sales order

Return delivery of products that have already been issued
