VAT codes Newbase - Twinfield

MJA Updated by MJA

When booking invoices from Newbase to Twinfield, Newbase does not pass on an amount or percentage to Twinfield, but a code and Twinfield uses that code to calculate itself. These VAT codes must match those in Twinfield.

The VAT codes can be found in Newbase within the module Company > widget VAT codes

Newbase is supplied as standard with the VAT codes below for purchasing and sales, but can be adjusted.

VAT codes must be the same within both Newbase and Twinfield.

Below is an example of a VAT code:



VH = sales high (NL)

ICP = Intra-Community Delivery (EU)

EXP-BEU = Export outside Europe

The “|” pipe sign represents the division between the trading regions. own country|within the trade region| outside the trade region.


In Twinfield you can look up and check/adjust the VAT codes by following the steps below:

  • Go to Twinfield > Settings > Company settings > VAT
  • You will then see the VAT codes as they are set within Twinfield.
  • Make sure the codes match what is entered in Newbase.

How did we do?

Create a payment phasing (settings)

VAT Settings
