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Purchasing for multiple projects and/or sales orders on one purchase order

MJA Updated by MJA

Do you want to be able to purchase for multiple projects on one purchase order (to get a better price? for example)?

Do you want to be able to purchase for multiple sales orders on one purchase order?

Do you want to be able to purchase for a "sales order", for a project, and for stock on one purchase order?

For you information:
If a project or sales order is linked to a purchase order the items purchased will flow outside the stock.

​1. Which widgets do you need for this?​

You can do this within a purchase order by using the widgets:

"Input fin. order, project, discount & purchase" and associated widget "Selected project / order links"

If you do not have these widgets, you can have them added yourself or via the internal application manager.

In the example below you can see that project SCA240054 is linked to the purchase order (green).

This project was linked to the purchase order before any lines were added to the order and the project is therefore automatically linked to all lines.

You can see this within the widget "input fin. line order, project..." (green):

To change or delete the project in the line, first select the line in question in the widget "input fin. lines.....:

You can then delete or change the project in the line via the widget "saved line project / assignment links".

​3. Explanation of icons​

With this icon you can immediately see whether the project generally deviates from the header (and that is possible and allowed)

​ With this icon you can copy the project linked in the header to all lines in one go

With this icon you can delete all linked projects at once

With this icon you can remove all sales order links in one go


How did we do?

Book a purchase invoice or a sales invoice from a previous year

How do you find purchase orders (lines) for which the receipt (line) has not yet been linked to a purchase invoice (line)?
