Table of Contents

Creata a receipt / adjust quantiy on receipt

MJA Updated by MJA

1. Create receipt

Goods that are received can be ordered in 2 ways:

1. Goods ordered for stock through a separate purchase order = for stock

2. Goods ordered for specific order/project through a purchase order via a sales order/project. These goods are sold outside of stock

It is not possible to create a 'separate' receipt.

For more information on how to search for goods yet to be received, click here

  1. Search the relevant purchase order you want to receive
  2. Within the purchase order click on the 'next step' icon (upper right) and choose 'duplicate > receipt
  3. You will arrive in the edit screen of a receipt. The numbers of the purchase order are automatically copied and is the status of the receipt ' completely received'
  4. Click of save and lock

2. Adjust the numbers on the receipt

If you reveive more or less goods that stated on the purchase order you can adjust the receipt number in the receipt line by clicking in the field 'rec. this doc'

3. Received more than ordered?

You can only receive more than ordered if this is allowed in the company settings > widget Company logistics

​4. What happens to the stock?​

If the product you receive is a stock product (i.e. a stock location is linked to the product) and the purchase order and therefore the receipt is not linked to a sales order or customer project, then the number of products will be added to the stock. If the purchase order is linked to a sales order or a project, it is outside the inventory.


We order 100 units of a stock product via a purchase order that is not linked to a sales order (this means that you order for the stock and not for a specific order/project).

When the purchase order is created, the stock tabel of the product will show that 100 units still need to be received.

When a receipt is made from the purchase order and this receipt has not yet been locked, this will be shown as 'received not approved'.

When the receipt is locked, the products are added to the available stock.

How did we do?

Return delivery of products that have already been issued

Separate stock mutation / stock correction
