Export user role privileges

MJA Updated by MJA

A user has a role that determines what this user may or may not do in Newbase. This is set up and maintained by your internal application manager. Newbase does not determine what a user may or may not do in Newbase.

A role can be set via the Newbase Users module. If you want to export a list of users and their role, you can do this as follows:

1. List of users

  1. Go to the Users Newbase module
  2. Make a selection of users and ensure that the role is also included in this list. Click here for more information about creating your own lists
  3. Click on the 3 dots from the list and choose Export to MS Excel

2. List of privileges per role

  1. Go to the module owner and go to edit role possibilities' to check whether you are allowed to export privileges
  2. Check whether the privileges 'Export', 'Export privileges per role' and 'export mandatory fields' have been distributed
  3. If you have these privileges, you can choose Export to MS Excel from the list view of the module owner
  4. You will then get a file with an overview of all privileges and mandatory fields per role


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