General informatie goods delivery

MJA Updated by MJA

With the goods delivery module, goods can be issued and it is possible to print a delivery note which can be included with the delivery. If goods are purchased specifically for a sales order or for a customer project and are subsequently issued, the stock of the relevant product will not change. This only happens when issuing products from stock.

Newbase also offers the option of printing a pick list with which the goods can be 'picked up' in the warehouse.

It is important to know that the following things can be determined within the basic settings of Newbase:

  • whether the technical stock must be checked at an issue
  • whether an issue may be made if there is not enough technical stock
  • whether more may be spent than stated on the sales order

The above things can be set by the application manager via Settings and determine the operation of the program.

When creating a goods delivery, Newbase assumes by default that everything will be delivered. If this is not the case, you can manually adjust the numbers.

Click here for more information about creating a goods issue.

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Stock value list

Create goods delivery
