Purchase price product: with or without (multiple) supplier(s)

MJA Updated by MJA

1. Purchase price product without supplier

If the product is not purchased from a supplier, for example services, but you still want to see the costs of this product, you can manually enter a purchase price within the 'product 'sales price break' widget.

To change an existing price, click on the pop-up icon at the front of the line.

You can also see this purchase price in the widget 'sales / purchase / margin'.

2. Purchase price on product with supplier

If the product is purchased from a supplier, you must enter the purchase price in the 'Product supplier' widget. To link a supplier to the product, click on the plus sign. To modify an existing price, click on the pop-up icon at the front of the line.

You can see this purchase price in the widget 'sales / purchase / margin'.

You can enter multiple suppliers.

If you want one supplier to be the default supplier please mark 'yes'.

How did we do?

Where to enter of adjust the sales price of a product

Add stock location to a product > create stock product
