Table of Contents

Create an appointment

MJA Updated by MJA

There are 3 ways to create an appointment

1: via de module calender

2: via the module appointment

3: via the activitiy log of another module

1 Create appointment via the module calender

  1. Open the module calendar and click on the date and time where you want to add an appointment
  2. A screen will open where you can enter the appointment details

2 Create appointment via the module appointment

  1. Open the module Appointment > click on New > the entry screen (edit) will open
  2. Fill in the necessary field > click on submit
  3. The summary screen of the appointment now opens
  4. To see the appointment in the agenda you go to the module Calender
  5. Click on the appointment to see the details

3 Create appointment via activity log

  1. Almost every module had a widget 'activity log'
  2. If you click on the paperclip icon within this widget you can create a new appointment

How did we do?

Replacing an internal employee at an organization or contact in one go

There is no email address in a message
