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What is the program translations?

MJA Updated by MJA

Newbase creates documents and you can send messages. Newbase offers the possibility to communicate in multiple languages.

Default texts and translations can be entered within the "translations" program. Think of texts on a print such as: Dear, Kind regards, Regarding, Invoice number. All these texts can be translated. But also start and end texts that are used within documents like a quotation can be entered and translated.

The language entered in the contact will be used in communication. Of course, a start or end text can be adjusted at a later time within the document.

If no translation is entered, Newbase will use the translation from the default language. Our advice is therefore to make the default language English, and not Dutch. If you occasionally receive an order from, for example, a Polish organisation, a quotation will be printed in English instead of in Dutch.

The following parts of Newbase are not translated within the translations program:

Products, product descriptions, product properties are translated within the Product program.

Value lists such as payment conditions and delivery conditions are translated within the valuelist program.

For more information on how creating of editing translations click here.

How did we do?

Using code at settings reference numbers

Editing or creating translations
