Show totals of a list

MJA Updated by MJA

If you want to see the total of the financial data or the total of the number of records within a list view, click on the three dots to the right of the list..... and choose 'Show totals'.

Listview editor - create your own list (duplicate) (duplicate)

Newbase has one or more pre-programmed lists per module. These lists may not provide the information you are looking for. In this case you can create lists yourself via the listview editor.

  1. Search for records within a module and make sure you're in the list
  2. Then click on the 3 dots (...) to the right of the list, see example below
  3. A menu opens where you can choose listview editor
  4. A pop-up opens where you can put together your own list
  5. Click the green 'new list view' button. A line will appear where you can give the list a title and indicate which role (privilege group) or company will have access to the list
  6. By checking the default checkbox, the list is shown as the default list view when you search for records within the relevant module
  7. Then click on the green 'add field' button. A pop-up with different modules from which you can add fields to the list opens. Select the desired field. Repeat this action until all desired fields are listed. You can also adjust the sorting of the columns
  8. Click on save
  9. To activate the list you need to restart Newbase
  10. Then go to the relevant module, search for records and click on the 3 dots at list. Now you will see the self-made list

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