Table of Contents

UBL Sales invoice - e-factoring - OIN - HRN number

MJA Updated by MJA

​1. What is UBL?​

UBL stands for Universal Business Language. It is a library of standard business XML documents and is designed to replace fax and paper business correspondence. UBL makes it possible to exchange documents such as invoices electronically and is intended to directly connect business processes electronically.

​2. Set up UBL within Newbase​

By default, a sales invoice is send as a PDF file in an email. If you do not wish to send UBL invoices, you do not have to do anything. If you want to be able to send UBL sales invoices, read on.

Within the company settings you can set by default whether you want to work with UBL. If you set this at company level, all new debtors to be created will automatically receive this setting. For existing debtors, these company settings are not adopted afterwards. You can set this manually in the debtor's settings.

If you only want to set UBL for specific debtors, you do not do this at company level but at debtor level.

​2.1 UBL Settings (Settings > Company)​

If you want to be able to send UBL files from sales invoices, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Companies module > if you work with multiple companies in Newbase, you must set this per company
  2. Go to the UBL widget, if it is not available, ask your internal application manager to distribute it
  3. Make a choice for business and/or private. Newbase recognizes whether an invoice is sent to a business relationship or to a private relationship and will adopt the set value. If you work with both business and private relations, you will have to complete both fields. If you do not enter anything, Newbase will send the sales invoice as a PDF file by default.
  4. Choose a UBL format

The differences between UBL 2.0 and 2.1 are minimal when it comes to the sales invoice. In version 2.1. a number of invoice elements have been added, including due date and project reference. You must choose at least one version, otherwise a UBL invoice will not be generated.

​2.2 What other information do you need to enter in the company details?​
  1. Make sure a company address is entered including country (there are several address widgets)
  2. Enter VAT number and Chamber of Commerce number. These are used for identification in the UBL
  3. Enter your IBAN and BIC code

You enter the above within the Bank & Identification information widget

​3. Settings Debtor <> Sales Invoice​

The above settings are automatically adopted for new debtors and subsequently on the sales invoice. Existing debtors do not receive this setting automatically.

Of course you have the option to adjust this within the settings of the debtor or sales invoice. You can also enter a PEPOL ID in the debtor's settings.

​4. Electronic invoice to the government with identification number (OIN).

All government agencies, and possibly other agencies with a public task, have an OIN (Organization Identification Number).

This number must be stated on the UBL invoice when invoicing to the government.

Non-public organizations can also apply for an identification number. This is then called an HRN (Trade Register Number).

The OIN or HRN number can be entered as a reference in Newbase.

How did we do?

Create proforma invoice

Link products to a document
