Create separate purchase order (by for stock)

MJA Updated by MJA

There are several ways to create a purchase order. This help file describes how to create a separate purchase order. If you want to know more or on creating a purchase order from a sales order, click here.​

When creating a separate purchase order without a link to a project or a sales order, the stock will be booked on receipt. Of course, this only applies if a stock location is linked to the product in question.
If the purchase order does have a link with a project or a sales order, then no stock will be booked on receipt because the purchase has been made specifically for the project or sales order in question and it is not the intention that these products are used for anything else.
  1. Go to the startscreen of the module purchase order and click on New
  2. You now arrive at an input screen where you can enter data, such as the creditor, linking products and conditions. What this screen looks like can differ per user and depends on how it is set up. The layout can be adjusted by the application manager. Below is an example where you can go through different steps/screens.
  3. After all the desired data has been entered, click on save or on save and lock
  4. The purchase order can be emailed or sent to the supplier by making a choice in the menu

How did we do?

Create purchase order via a RFQ (request for quotation)

Create a purchase order via sales order (no stock booking)
