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Introduction Newbase Next

MJA Updated by MJA

Log in

To log in to Newbase you need a link en login details. You should have received an email from your internal application manager with this information. If not please contact your internal application manager.

Copy the link from your email and paste in a brower of choice.

Create a bookmark so you can quickly open Newbase from now on!

After you have opened the link you will see login screen. Here you can log in with the data you have received via email.


Via the Newbase application you can easily navigate to our support website where you can find the answer to many questions. Click on your name in the top right and click on 'Help' in the menu.

In the search field you can then type in your question or a keyword.

You can also send our support desk a question by clicking on your name in the top right corner and choosing 'file issue / feature request'.

Start screen

When you start Newbase you will arrive at the start screen. What this screen looks like can differ per person. For example, depending on your privilege group. Newbase can be set up flexibly. You can adjust the color scheme, but you can also adjust screens and create your own menu. In Newbase, the screens are built up with widgets. Widgets are blocks that show information and within which you can enter or change data.

Below is an example of a start screen:

User settings

Your name is in the top right corner of the screen. If you click on your name, a menu will open. Within this menu you can, for example, change widgets or adjust colors. But you can also read mail from your own mail package into Newbase and create shortcuts here.

To learn more about customizing widgets scroll down for more information.

For more information about creating shortcuts click here.​

To adjust colors click on 'user settings'

Apps center

At the top left of your screen, you will see Apps. If you click on this, you will be taken to a screen with all modules distributed to you. From here you can open modules. But you can also set up a menu with shortcuts for yourself. See the next chapter for this.

​Click here for more information about apps.


You may want to be able to open modules, that you use most often, fast. You can create shortcuts for these modules.

​Click here for more information about shortcuts.

Work in modules and search for records

As soon as you open a module, you will always first see the start screen of the module. Here you can search for a record.

​Click here for more information about searching.

Click here for more information about saving your own search.

Once you have found a record you will always first see the summary screen. This screen contains various widgets that are useful for you. Which ones you see depends on how this is set up for you or for your privilege group. In some widgets you see you can directly change data by clicking on the pencil icon.

Below and example of a summary screen:

Most likely there are more widgets that you can see in this summary screen.

Click here for more information about seeing the other widgets and modifying date.

Change widgets

Newbase can be set up flexibly. You can easily remove, move, or resize widgets.

​Click here for more information about changing the location of widgets.

​Click here for more information about removing widgets.

Click here for more information about changing the size of a widget.

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