Book purchase invoice to Twinfield

MJA Updated by MJA

If the country of the creditor's organization is not the same as the fiscal country, the booking will not be accepted by Twinfield.
The period in which the purchase invoice is booked is determined by:
The period entered on the purchase invoice. If this is not filled in, Newbase looks at the period that has been filled in within the company settings.
If this has not been filled either, the invoice will be posted in the period of the filled invoice date

Search for unposted invoices:

  1. Go to the home screen of the purchase invoices module and choose 1 of the standard searches

Book single invoice​

  1. Find the relevant purchase invoice and ensure that the invoice is locked
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the top right to open the menu and choose Book to Twinfield

Book a batch of invoices​

  1. Find the series of purchase invoices you want to transfer > Make sure you are in a list view
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the top right to open the menu, choose options > transfer selection

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How to create a creditor
