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What to do at an annual change?

MJA Updated by MJA

This document describes a number of important matters that you should take into account during an annual transition. It is important that you read this information in a timely manner to avoid problems after a one-year transition.

It is important to know that Newbase is a 'live system' in which all numbers are continuously shown live. It is not possible within Newbase to request a score per period retroactively. Within Twinfield you can see and retrieve the standings per period. It is therefore important to export positions per financial year for later provision of information. In general, you can export a list view to Excel at any time from the various program components if desired.

​1. Adjusting the accounting period

In Twinfield

If you want to book invoices in the new year, make sure that this new period is open in Twinfield!

In Newbase

You can set a year and/or period within an invoice in Newbase, which will be booked to Twinfield. If you do not enter this, Newbase will automatically fill in the period that corresponds to today's date when booking the invoice. You can adjust the period per document before you book it to Twinfield.

If you want to set the accounting period as default in Newbase, you must complete the steps below:

  1. Go to the widget 'period setting Twinfield' within the Company module
  2. Enter the desired dates in the 'current administration period' field (make sure that this period is open in Twinfield).

​2. Stock value list​

It is important to know that Newbase is a live system where all numbers are shown live.

It is not possible within Newbase to request a score per period retroactively. Within Twinfield you can see and retrieve the standings per period. It is therefore important to export positions per financial year for later provision of information.

It is wise to get the stock value on 31-12-XXXX from Newbase, if desired. You can export the stock value to Excel by choosing the stock value list view under logistics and exporting it.

  1. Go to the home screen of the stock module and find the records whose stock value count you want
  2. Click on the three dots at List Stock > choose the list stock value
  3. To export the list to Excel, click on the 3 dots in the menu and choose Export to Excel

If you do not have the Inventory Value list available, this may be because it was not yet available at the time of implementation. In this case you can create this list yourself via the list editor and save it. You then add the desired columns.

​Click here for more information about the list view editor

​3. Adjust the year in ref./ serial numbers of documents

Serial / reference numbers may differ from year to year and may need to be adjusted at the change of year. 

If a serial number is currently set with {YY} or {YYYY), you do not have to do anything to adjust the year because the serial number will be automatically increased in the new year.

For example: 

The serial number of a quotation is set as OF.{YY}.{99999}, for example the last quotation in 2024 will look like this: OF.24.12345. If you do not change anything, the first quotation of 2025 will receive the following serial number: OF.25.12346.

4. Start the ref./serial number again with 0

If the number should start counting from 0 again in a new year, this must be set. You do this by entering the 'last used serial no.' field. place a 0 within the Sequence Numbers module.

​5. Adjust ref./ serial number length​

Another important point to consider is the length of the serial number. For example, if a quotation sequence number is set as OFA.{YY}.{9999}, Newbase assumes that the number of quotations made in a year will not be more than a 4-digit number. If it is expected that there will be more, the serial number should be created with 5 or 6 digits: OFA.{YY}.{999999}

In Newbase, the documents are displayed in alphanumeric order. This means that the sorting goes first by letters and then by numbers from low to high. This means that numbers are sorted by the first digit they start with. So 1234 is shown before 325 because one number starts with a 1 and the other with a 3.
If you change a serial number from three to four digits in the meantime, the order will no longer be descending (or ascending) in the display of the documents. The highest three-digit serial number (i.e. 999) will be at the top and the first four-digit serial number (i.e. 1000) will show between the serial numbers that start with a 1.

6. Service request ref. / serial numbers​

Are your using the module service requests? Then in the serial numbers of service requests, the YY that expresses the year may not be replaced by a number of the year (for example 25 or 2025), so always work with YY in the serial number with service requests. In addition, we recommend setting the serial number to 0 on the first day of the new year as described in point 4.

If you choose to have the serial number continue, make sure you have enough space for a high number, as described in 5.

Suppose the serial number is set with 4 digits (SA.YY.9999), then you will have a problem if the number of service requests exceeds 9999. If you expect more service requests, add a 9 (SA.YY.99999).

​7. Temporarily adjust the serial number to enter invoices from a previous year

​Click here for more information.

8. Adjust product prices​

Adjust a few product prices?

Perhaps you will use new product prices in the new year. You can adjust this manually within the product widgets. From that moment on, the new product prices will be used in new financial documents.

This does not change the prices in existing financial documents. This means if an existing quotation with old prices is duplicated to a new sales order, the old prices are included (after all, it is a duplicate).

Adjust many products?

If you want to adjust product prices in large quantities, you can use the import tool.

​Click here for more information.

Update product prices?

If you have adjusted sales prices within the product database and these products are, for example, in member lines or service project contract lines, you can update the prices within these lines.

​Click here for more information about updating prices on member lines.

Click here for more information about updating prices on service project contract lines.

Index prices service project contract lines?

It is also possible to index the prices with a percentage for service project contract lines (or a selection of them). You do this with the option: Index sales prices.

​Click here for more information.

​9. Employee rates​

With time recorders, a standard sales rate (and purchasing rate) is copied from the project employee rates, or from the project or from the user card. If new rates apply in the new year, you will have to adjust them in the relevant places.

NB! This will only be copied for new time lines.

​10. Rates for hour types​

It may be that Newbase should not look at the employee's rate, but at the rate of the hour type. These are then set per company.

​Click here for more information (see Chapter 6).

​11. Rates of projects and project employees

It is possible to set rates per project or per project employee (this is only possible with a sales hourly rate). If there are projects for which a new rate will apply, you will need to adjust this.

​12. Export of projects in progress

Newbase does not have a separate interim score option. This means that when using the projects module it is useful to make an export of the stand as of 31-12-XXXX. By means of a search Financially open projects in customer project and making an export from work in progress to Excel. When you do this, you will receive detailed information in Excel regarding the selection of projects in which all fields of the WIP screen are included.

For pre-calculation projects, you can search by financial outstanding and pre-calculation, and then go to the Revenues list view.

For actual costing projects, the written time that has not yet been invoiced applies. You need to go to the time module and do a standard search there: To be invoiced (we assume that all time rules have been approved). You can then export this data from the Financial list view.

How did we do?

How does currency work within Newbase

Change / adjust a print with parameters or add an extra print
