Create organisation

MJA Updated by MJA

  1. Go to the program organisations and choose new
  2. The screen below will now appear

Below an explanation of the fields:


The organisation name is entered in this field

Prefix name

For example 'The Ministry of' or 'Municipality'

Extra name

In the composition of your label you can choose to have this extra name placed on the next line


This is a value list from which a choice can be made. This list cannot be edited

Phone number

Enter the telephone number of the organisation. With a dash between the area code and the subscriber number in this field.

Newbase will then automatically enter the number in the system in a uniform manner based on the country settings.

This means that fi. a number in the Netherlands is entered as 020-6111444, will be displayed as (020) 6 111 444.

A telephone number from the UK is entered as 020-6111444, with the country UK, will be displayed as +44 20 6 11 14 44


Enter the email address of the organisation here, not that of the contact


Enter the URL of the organisation's website here


Click in this field to link an internal employee to the organisation


Click in this field to link the role of the internal employee

Addresses general

Within Newbase you can enter different types of addresses. Namely: postal address, visiting address, delivery address, billing address. There is a hierarchy in the use of these addresses.

If you only enter a visiting address, it automatically applies to all other addresses.

If you enter a visiting address and a postal address, the visiting address also counts as delivery address, and the postal address also counts as billing address. The opposite is not the case.

You can then enter a different billing address or delivery address. They are not related to each other.

Visiting address

By default, the address field is set to visiting address. By clicking in the field you can change the address type.

By clicking on the green button 'new' you can create an extra address type

  1. Fill in the concerning fields and click on create organisation to save the data that you have entered
  2. You will now see the summary screen of the organisation that you have just created

How did we do?

Modify organisation address
