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Create a payment phasing (settings)

MJA Updated by MJA

Payment phasing offers the option of invoicing sales orders in parts, for example 50% upon order and 50% upon delivery.

For this purpose, a payment phase must be created which can then be linked to a sales order.

How you can create a payment phase is described below. If you want to know how you can link payment phasing to a sales order, click here

​1. Create new payment phasing (setting)

  1. Go to the payment phasing setting module > click on new to create a new payment phasing. The screen below now opens
  2. In the company field, if you work with multiple companies in Newbase, you can choose the relevant company for which the phasing applies
  3. Check default if you want this to be filled in by default when adding a payment phasing to a sales order
  4. In the position field you can determine the sorting in which the payment phasing is shown in the selection list in the sales order. We recommend that the most commonly used payment phases appear at the top of the sorting, i.e. give the lowest number
  5. In the description field, enter the name of the payment phase: for example 50% - 50%
  6. Click on the plus sign on the right to further set the payment phasing
  7. Below is an explanation of the fields in the pop-up that then appear:

Sort order:

The order in which the lines in the sales order are loaded

Return value:

This field must be completed and each line must have a unique value, normally increasing from 1. We recommend that you do not change these values ​​once payment phasing has been put into use.


The name of the payment phasing line > for example: 1st 50%


If yes > then the lines of the sales order will be shown on the invoice with an adjusted quantity, depending on the percentage set. This involves looking at lines at the 1st level.

Example: If there are 4 lines with a quantity of 10 pieces each on the sales order and the payment phasing is 50% / 50% and distribution is set to yes, these 4 lines will appear on the invoice with each line containing a number of 5, namely 50% of 10.

If division is used, the text will not be taken into account during the translation. This text is used if distribution is not used.

If you work with composite products and you want the payment phasing to be implemented at the bottom level, you must also set the 'bottom level' field to yes.

Bottom level:

If you are working with a composition and you want to implement payment phasing at the bottom level, set this field to yes. The 'distribution' field must also be set to yes

Planned invoice:

This is an indication that the payment phasing line may be invoiced prior to the assignment. This is not an automated action, but an indication for the invoicer from which it can be deduced that an invoice can be sent.


The percentage of the order amount that may be invoiced on that payment staging line.

NOTE: do not use a % sign, just the number.

Period / Quantity:

Quantity and period determine the billing date of the payment staging line following the start date entered in the payment staging screen of the sales order or the date of the preceding payment staging line. The period between the dates of the different lines. You can choose between day and month. The number of months or days is determined by entering the number.

2. Translations (text on invoice)​

If 'division' is not used, as described above, a text/translation must be created for each payment phasing line because in this case the order lines are not shown on the invoice, but the lines you enter here.

  1. Click on the plus sign within the pop-up of the payment phasing line
  2. The pop-up below will now open
  3. Choose a language. So make a translation for all the languages ​​you use for your relations in Newbase
  4. Complete an internal translation
  5. In the 'display in your language' field, enter the text that will appear on the invoice. It is possible to work with merge codes in this field. To do this, click on the icon at the bottom of the block at 'insert merge code'
  6. Click save and repeat for another language if necessary
  7. Do the same for all other payment staging rules.

If you want to know how you can link payment phasing to a sales order, click here.

If you want to know how you can edit a linked payment phasing, click here.

Please note: changes or removal of a payment phasing will not affect orders to which that payment phasing applied.

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