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Create purchase orders from a selection of sales orders (collect)

MJA Updated by MJA

It is possible to create 1 or more purchase orders from a selection of sales orders.

If you purchase specifically for a sales order (or a project), these products will not be added to the stock. Click here for more information.
Make sure that a creditor is linked to the sales order lines you want to purchase. Otherwise, purchase orders cannot be created from these lines. A purchase order is created for each creditor. So if you have a sales order with 10 lines and various suppliers are linked to these lines, an equal number of purchase orders are created.

​1. Duplicate sales orders into purchase order(s).

  1. Make a selection of sales order(s) for which you want to create 1 or more purchase orders and ensure that you are in a list view
  2. Click on the next step icon at the top right and choose Duplicate > Purchase Orders
  3. A pop-up opens with all sales order lines. Within this pop-up, make a selection of the lines you want to purchase and click on the purple button. If you expect lines here that are not shown, this means that there is either no creditor linked to this line or that this line has already been purchased or issued.

Tip: sort by product code!

  1. A purchase order is then created for each creditor which you can then process

​2. Do you want to purchase extra for the stock on the purchase order?

If, as described above, you purchase specifically for a sales order or project, these products will go outside of stock. The sales order number of project number is shown in the lines.

Suppose you purchase specifically for a sales order or a project, but you also want to purchase some extra for the stock on the same purchase order, then you can use the 'Input fin.' widget. lines...' add an extra line. In this extra line you will see that there is no sales order number and therefor these product will be added to the stock once they are received.

How did we do?

Create a purchase order via sales order (no stock booking)

Linking a project to a purchase order after goods are received
