Create a purchase order via sales order (no stock booking)

MJA Updated by MJA

If you purchase specifically for a sales order, the products concerned will not be added to the stock upon receipt. After all, you are purchasing for a specific assignment and it is not the intention that these products are issued for something else.
Make sure that the sales order lines that you want to purchase have a creditor linked. Otherwise no purchase orders can be created.
  1. Go to the sales order you want to duplicate to a purchase order
  2. Check whether a creditor is linked to the sales order line(s)

You can see whether a supplier is linked to a sales order line within the widget 'selected line supplier'. This widget is probably not in the summary screen of the sales order, but in the detail screens.

  1. Within the sales order, click on edit or on detail and find the widget 'selected line supplier'
  2. You can now see per selected line whether a creditor is linked
  3. If no creditor is linked, you can still do this by clicking in the creditor field
  4. Click close and you will return to the summary screen

  1. Click on the 'action' icon and choose 'create purchase order'. The sales order must be locked for this action
  2. Newbase now creates 1 or more purchase orders. If 1 purchase order is created, you can exit in the summary screen of this order. If multiple purchase orders are created, you will end up in a list.

How did we do?

Create separate purchase order (by for stock)

Create purchase orders from a selection of sales orders (collect)
