Calculation stock value via standard purchase price

MJA Updated by MJA

Stock value using standard purchase prices (SPP) is calculated by via the SPP on the products and divided by the number of products received through goods receipts.

Because the SPP can change for each receipt, this is a weighted average.


(current technical stock * current standard purchase price)

(number of receipts * purchase price of the receipt) +

-------------------------------------------------- ------

addition / (current technical stock + number of receipt)

This produces a weighted average.

The SPP per unit only changes if it concerns a goods receipt for a stock order, so not if it concerns a receipt on an order based on a sales order or a project.

The SPP per unit is never affected by goods deliveries or stock movements, only and only on receipt or manual change (= stock revaluation).

How did we do?

Does the standard purchase price determine the margin?

Product can only be purchased for stock
