Using code at settings reference numbers

MJA Updated by MJA

You need to create a reference number for records in Newbase. You can do this within the Reference Number module. The code is set up in de widget serial info.

Below an example of a reference number of a sales quotation:

Below an example of how this reference number is set up within the module ref. numbers:

Before you start setting up reference numbers, we recommend that you think carefully about this. Click here for more information about reference numbers before you start.

Below the codes that can be used:


Can be used to represent a year. This code is replaced by the four digits of a year


Can be used to display the last two digits of a year


Can be used the display the month


Can be used to display the day


Can be used to number the document. 9999 will become 0001 for the first document.

The document number must be at least 3 digits long

Example for a reference number for an invoice:


Code used: FA.YYYY.9999

If you work with multiple companies in Newbase you should consider using a distinction between the companies in the code.

​Why use curly brackets?​

Use curly braces to avoid problems! The code used in Newbase is M for month, Y for year and 99999 for number. If you want to have an M, Y or 9 in the reference number without it ever being seen as anything else, you need to use curly brackets around the code.

Suppose we are in the year 2029 and the code contains YYYY without curly braces, so OFYYYY9999, then the 9 of 2029 will be seen as part of the referencel number. So then the first quotation of 2029 becomes OF20299999, while you had intended OF20290001. Use OFYYYY{9999} avoids this problem.

How did we do?

Before you start setting up reference numbers

What is the program translations?
