Set unit / entity code of purchasing & sales for a product

MJA Updated by MJA

You can enter the purchasing and sales unit within a product. You can do this within the widget 'stock ink./purchase'. unit of a product.

For example: the product is purchased per 100 pieces but is sold per 1 piece.

The contents of this list can be determined by the internal application manager via the Selection Lists module.

If the product is a stock product (if there is a stock location attached), the entity code can in principle no longer be adjusted. If you decide to do this anyway, you may then need to check stock quantities and possibly also may need to change the standard purchase price. If the product you have modified is already linked to quotes or orders (purchasing, sales or service) or lines linked to service contracts, you may need to change these to avoid errors in stock. The enitity codes are copied into the lines of these documents, the ratio factor is not. So NO automatic recalculation is performed. If you want to make changes, this must be done manually.

Documents that have already been transferred to Twinfield may also need to be changed. We warn you that unlocking goods receipts or issues can lead to errors in the inventory.

How did we do?

Add stock location to a product > create stock product

Add product image
