Import time lines

MJA Updated by MJA

Within the Time Lines module it is possible to import time lines via a template excel document.

We recommend testing this with a few lines first!

Importing can be useful, for example, if employees do not write time themselves, but this is done by someone from the administration.

How this works is described in this help file.

  1. Go to the Time lines module
  2. Make sure you are in a time line list view to open the menu. You cannot open the import option from a summary or detail mode. So you need to be in a list
  3. Click on the 3 dots to open the menu and choose Import > Import time registration
  4. A pop-up opens. Click on 'Download example file' to open the example file that you need to use.

Make sure you at least fill in the compulsary colums which are marked in yellow.

  1. If the file has been created in accordance with the example file and saved as .xls or .xlsx, you can upload it. For this you open the menu again and choose Import > import time registration
  2. Now you click on 'Import into intermediate file' and select the file and choose to upload. With this action the time lines will be imported in the pop-up but not the time lines are not yet created in Newbase.
  3. While importing the file you will see a blue bar behind the pop-up. You can move the popup to see this more clearly (this is still being improved).
  4. When the upload is complete, you will see a 'status report' in which you can read how many lines have been imported but also how many lines may not have been imported and why this was not successful.

The following checks are made during import:

  • mandatory fields (this does not mean the mandatory columns of the file, but the mandatory fields that have been set for your organization in Newbase
  • existing return values ​​from value lists

Depending on the number of lines, this report can be large and can therefore, if desired, be saved for later reading in a larger screen.

  1. Close the status report and check whether the lines in the pop-up are correct. If everything is correct, you can process the lines and create them as a time line in Newbase by clicking on the icon below 'proces impored lines as time lines'

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