Stock value list

MJA Updated by MJA

The stock value is always at the time you look up this list. It is not possible in Newbase to retrieve the stock value of a date in the past.
  1. Go to the stock module
  2. Select the products of which you want to know the (total) value
  3. Click on the 3 dots to the right of 'list stock' and select the stock value list (Lijst voorraadwaarde in Dutch). Please note: this is not a search. You will have to find the products yourself

The 'stock value' list view indicates the valuation price. The technical stock value is calculated as the number of products times the valuation price at that time.

  1. It is also possible to display the total of the list. To do this, click again on the 3 dots to the right of 'stock list' and choose 'show totals'

If you do not have the stock Value list available, this may be because it was not yet available at the time of implementation. In this case you can create this list yourself via the list view editor and save it. You then add the desired columns, such as:

  • product code (Product module)
  • name internal (module product)
  • #technical purchasing
  • VVP
  • technical stock value

​Click here for more information about the list view editor

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