Table of Contents

Create a composed product

MJA Updated by MJA

For an explanation of the difference between a set and a composed product, click here.

​1. Types of products in Newbase​

Within Newbase you can work with two types of products:

1. Single product:

A product (which does not consist of other products in Newbase)

2. Composed product:

A product that consists of multiple products (existing in Newbase) but is sold to the customer as 1 product. This product can never be a stock product. If you still want composite products to count towards stock, we refer you to Chapter 4.

This help file is about composed products.

Important general information:

With a composed product, the price is determined by the underlying products.
A composed product is never a stock product. The products linked to the composition may be stock products.

2. How is a composed product build up?

Suppose you have the product bicycle and this product consists of the products saddle, handlebars and wheels.

In this example there are 4 products in Newbase > so you create all of these products separately in Newbase.

1. Bicycle (main product)

2. Saddle (becomes part of 1.)

3. Handlebar (becomes part of 1.)

4. Wheels (becomes part of 1.)

Make sure that product 1 does NOT have a sales price break line.

Make sure that products 2, 3 & 4 DO have a sales price break line. The prices break lines of these products determines the price of the parent product 1.

3. Levels within a composed product

A composition can consist of multiple levels.

Level 1 (Bicycle)

quantity - item number - description - type

1 - COMP.BIKE Bicycle - composition - no stock

Level 2 (the products that are part of COMP.BIKE)

quantity - item number - description - type

1 - PART.SAD - Saddle part - stock

1 - PART.STE - Steering part - stock

1 - PART.FRA - Frame part - stock

0.5 - HOUR.001 - Hours of assembly - stock

​2 - COMP.WHE - Wheel composition - composition - no stock​

As you can see above, it is possible to include another composite product within a composite product. The above product SAM.WIE is a composition within a composition (purple).

The product SAM.WIE consists of:

Level 3 (the products that are a part of the COMP.WHE)

5 - PART.SPO - Spoke - part - stock

1 - PART.HUB - Hub - part stock

0.4 - HOUR.0001 - Hours - assembly stock

To express the relationship with the product SAM.FIE, we say that the product SAM.WIE is on the 2nd level and the underlying products are on the 3rd level.

Schematically, the SAM.FIE product looks like this:

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3





0.5 - HOUR.001

​2 - COMP.WHE >



0.4 - HOUR.0001

Where the products printed in bold are stock items and the others are not.

4. Create a composed product

  1. To create composed product, go to the main product, for example: COMP.BIKE
  2. Within this product got the widget Product Composition in order to add the parts of the bike > use the plus sign to add products 2, 3 and 4.

5. How do you recognize a composed product?

You can recognize a composed product in the product database by a green square icon:

In a list:

In a document you recognize a composition by an arrow in front of the main product. If you click on it, the underlying products will be shown. Each level with underlying products is shown in a different color.

6. A composed product on a sales order

In the example below, bicycles are sold (sales order).

  1. You link the composed product (main product) to the sales order. In this example COMP.BIKE
  2. You enter the number of bicycles that are sold.

You will usually see an arrow in the composition column in front of the composite products

When you click on this, the underlying lined (and therefore products) are shown. The numbers are calculated automatically.

The different colors show the different levels. See the print screen above.

On the print of the sales order itself, you can choose whether you want to print only the composite product or also the underlying products.

7. A composed product on a purchase order

It is not possible to duplicate a complete composed product on a sales order to a purchase order. You will have to select the single products you want to purchase.

8. Issuing a composed product

When you create a delivery from the sales order with a composed product, you can see in the delivery that only the underlying products are stock products. Only those products will have their stock reduced upon release.

​9. Sales invoice of a composed product

If you create a sales invoice, only the composed product will be shown on it. A sales invoice has no composition.​

How did we do?

Stock value on x date

Price agreements debtor (per product or per rebate group)
