Why don't I see the 'next step' button?

MJA Updated by MJA

The next step button in Newbase is located at the top right of your screen.

It may happen that you click on the next step button from a summary screen of a record and you do not see that specific next step even though you expect it.

See example 1 below of an overdue sales invoice for which you want to create a reminder. You click on the next step button from the summary screen of the invoice but you do not see this specific action.

The reason why you don't see this next step from the record is because this record was opened from a list and we want to prevent you from accidentally creating reminders for all records in the list.

Example 1:

If you then go back to the list view and click on the next step button from this list, you will see the next step, see example 2.

Example 2:

If you want to create a reminder for 1 invoice in this example, make sure that you only have that record in your list, for example by searching specifically for the invoice number.

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Webservice / API Newbase

Show totals of a list
