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Editing or creating translations

MJA Updated by MJA

Do you want more general information about texts and translations in Newbase please click here.

Search for texts and translations

  1. Open the module Translations
  2. Click at the top of the start screen of the translations program in the field ' search in list Translations'
  3. A pop-up will appear. In this pop-up you can search for texts in Newbase. The order of fields in this pop-up is determined by the order of the columns in the list. You can change the order of columns in the list by moving them with holding and moving your mouse

Searching examples:

Search for all texts of a certain program:

If you want to search for all translations of a program, for instance sales quotation. Then search for salesquotation in the field 'key'. You should always use the English name when searching for programs.

Search for a certain text:

Suppose you want to change the bank account number on certain documents, then you type in the bank account number and Newbase searches for all fields that contain this.

Search for a title:

If you want to translate the word invoice number, you search for this exact word.

Change or create translations

  1. Search the text that you would like to change or where you want to add a translation. In this example we search for all text in the module purchasequotation because we want to add a German translation for the word 'purchasequotaion'
  2. After your search click on the record you want to translate or edit
If nothing happens, it means that the required widget has not been distributed. Please contact your internal Newbase application manager for this
  1. Click on the line you want to translate or edit
  1. You will now be taken to the summary screen of the line. Within this screen you will see all available translations
  2. Click on the edit pencil
  1. If you want to change an existing line, click the icon at the front of the line / If you want to create a new translation, click on the plus sign at the top right

  1. In our example we want to add a German translation and click on the plus icon
  2. In the field language you choose the concerning language
  3. In the block translation you type the translation
  4. Do no forget to save!

Multicompany translations

If you work with multiple companies in Newbase, each company has its own translations.
By grouping by key in the list view you can easily do the translation of a key for several companies.

Imagine you are looking for quote. You will then get the result of multiple modules and of all companies. By choosing "group by key" in list view, all parts are grouped.

By expanding one key you will see the different companies listed below each other. This way you can easily do the translation per module and key.


By default language is meant the translation that is used if no language of the contact is known or if the contact has a language of which no translation exists in Newbase. In most cases the default language will be English.

If no language is shown in a list view, this is because it is the default language.

Suppose the default language is English, then you do not have to create an additional translation for English.

How did we do?

What is the program translations?

How do you create a template for a message or a start/end text of a document?
