Search for sales invoices to be reminded via the open sales invoices module

MJA Updated by MJA

Before you can work with reminders in Newbase, this must be set up. For information about the different methods of reminders and their design, click here.​

Once everything has been set up, you can use the 'Open sales invoices' module to search for invoices that require reminders.

​1. Search for sales invoices to be reminded

The home screen of the Outstanding sales invoice module contains standard searches:

- Sales invoices overdue to be reminded

- Open invoices from debtors to be reminded

These standard searches search for invoices that meet the following conditions:

  • expiration date less than today
  • invoice must be closed
  • invoice may not yet have been paid in full
  • not in collection round should be enabled
  • both do not remind and do not remind debtor must be unchecked
  • reminder date must be empty or less than or equal to today
  • The next reminder must have a value where the i1 checkbox is selected in the 'reminder status' drop-down list

​2. Explanation of these searches

Sales invoices overdue to be reminded

This search shows all invoices for which the payment term has expired and the checkbox not to be reminded on the debtor card or invoice is unchecked.

Open invoices from debtors to be reminded

This search shows all open invoices of a debtor who has at least one overdue invoice. This is an overview of invoices for which the payment term has not yet expired and invoices for which payment is late.

If you duplicate the entire search result to reminders, it will be checked whether the reminder date is equal to today or less than today.

If that is the case, the reminder status will be incremented and the next reminder date will be updated. If this is not the case, the reminder status and next reminder date will remain unchanged.

​Click here for an explanation of how to create the reminders.

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