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Group data in a list and/or select which colums in a list you want to see

MJA Updated by MJA

A list can be grouped. This function can be applied to almost all lists of almost all modules.

In this help file we take as an example a list of open sales quotations. You can group this list by all columns in the list.

Suppose you want to group sales quotations per account manager:
  1. Go to a list of sales quotations, for example by using the standard search action 'all open quotations' or make your own selection.
  2. Move your mouse over the 'Account manager' column until you see 3 lines appear and then click on those 3 lines
  3. Then click on Group by Accountmanager
  4. A list of account managers is now displayed which you can click open per account manager

​If desired, you can add more groups to the list by repeating the steps above. In the example below, groups are first grouped by account manager, then by organization and then by source

Select which colums you want to see

You can indicate in a list which columns you want to see. To do this, slide your mouse over any column title in the list until you see three dashes.

How did we do?

How to adjust the order of columns in a list

Listview editor - create your own list
