Return delivery of products that have already been issued

MJA Updated by MJA

How do you process a return delivery where the products are added back to the stock?

You can do 2 things:

1. You duplicate the original sales order and put the relevant products in the negative

2. You open the existing sales order and add an extra line with the relevant product in the negative

You then have to go through the entire process, see below:

Explanation for option 1:
  • Go to the original sales order
  • Duplicate the order to a new order and put the relevant products in the negative, this creates a credit order
  • Lock the duplicated order
  • Duplicate this new order to a delivery, a credit delivery is now created
  • Lock the delivery. The goods are now added to stock
  • Duplicate the delivery to an invoice to credit the quantity to the customer
  • If a credit invoice also needs to be created, you can now either duplicate the credit sales order or the credit goods issue to an invoice.
Explanation for option 2:
  • Go to the original sales order and unlock it
  • Add a new line and put the relevant product with the correct number in the minus (- / -)
  • Duplicate the sales order to a delivery
  • Only the minus line is included in the delivery (the rest had already been issued)
  • Lock the delivery. The goods are now added to stock
  • Duplicate the delivery to an invoice to credit the quantity to the customer

If the extended journal entry link is used, no problems arise.

How do you process a return delivery where the products are also returned to the supplier?

  • Go to the concerning sales order as described above
  • Duplicate the sales order to a purchase order
  • Duplicate the purchase order to a receipt
  • Go back to the sales order and duplicate it to a delivery
  • Only the minus line is included in the delivery (the rest had already been issued)
  • Lock the delivery. The goods are now added to stock
  • Duplicate the delivery to an invoice to credit the quantity to the customer
  • After receiving the credit note from the supplier, you create a purchase invoice on which you link the relevant purchase order or goods receipt lines.

If the extended journal entry link is used, no problems arise.

How did we do?

Indicate that goods will no longer be delivered

Creata a receipt / adjust quantiy on receipt
