Table of Contents

Working with taska

MJA Updated by MJA

​1. How can you create a task?​

1. Go to the tasks module and click on new in the start screen. You then link the relationship, project, etc. yourself in the creation screen.


2. Go to a record, e.g. a relationship or a sales quotation, click on the paperclip icon at the top right and search for tasks in the list. Click on the plus icon to create a new task.

​2. How can you see/monitor tasks?​

There are various standard search actions available on the home screen of the Task module that you can use. You can also create your own search and save it on the home screen. Ask your internal application manager for more information.

There are also widgets available that you can use. See an example below. You can distribute these yourself or ask your internal application manager to do so.

​3. General information about tasks​

  • The name of the logged in user is automatically linked to the task. It is possible to link another user to the task.
  • The creation date and time are automatically displayed upon creation and can be adjusted manually.
  • By indicating that the task is urgent, you can call up these tasks in one go in the search 'my outstanding urgent tasks'. Ask your application manager if you do not have this search.
  • If set, tasks can also be shown in the calendar.
  • You can save searches for your open tasks in the home screen of the module tasks, but also in other places!

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