Table of Contents

Difference start screen - summary screen - edit screen - quick edit

MJA Updated by MJA

For more information about searching for records, click here.​

For more information about searching a module, click here.

​1. Start screen​

When you open a module, you always first arrive at the start screen. What this screen looks like may differ per role and can also be customized. Please note that adjustments apply to everyone with the same role.

A start screen contains standard searches that were created by Newbase to make your work easier. If there are searches that you are not going to use, you can delete them. You can also see if there are any other searches you might want added.

You can also save your own searches in the home screen. Click here for more information about saving your own searches.

​2. Summary screen - Quick Edit​

After searching for a record, you always first arrive at the summary screen of the record.

In a summary screen you see widgets and/or dashboards with data important to you in one overview. This screen can of course be adjusted, please contact your internal Newbase application manager. Please note that any adjustments made apply to everyone with the same role.

Within the summary screen you can adjust data within some widgets. We call this Quick Edit. This is possible if there is a pencil icon in the widget. Click on this icon to change dates. This only applies to widgets without financial information.

3. Edit data

As described above, you can use 'quick edit' within some widgets. To enter or edit data in all widgets, click on the pencil icon at the top right of your screen or go to 'Edit' via the menu (3 dots). If a record is locked, you will first have to unlock it before you can change it.

You then leave the summary screen. There can be multiple tabs (maximum 5) which are indicated in color and with a title. The layout of tabs and widgets can be adjusted by the internal application manager.

4. View screen​

To only view all distributed widgets, click on the screen icon from the summary screen or choose 'Display input screen' in the menu (3 dots).

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