Link products to a document

MJA Updated by MJA

In the entry screen of your document you have the option to link products . You do this via the widget 'financial lines'. Where this widget is located differs per person/role and depends on how it is set up for/by you. In this helpfile we are using a sales quotation as example.

With the paperclip icon you can link products from the database and with the plus icon you can link free lines to the quotation.

Link products from the database:

  1. Click on the paperclip icon
  2. A pop-up will open allowing you to search the database
  3. Search the product that you would like to link. Click enter in the search field to see all products of choose 'show all'
  4. Click on the product you want to link. You may now be given the option to enter the quantity directly. This depends on how this is set up for your Newbase environment. If you don't get this option, you can adjust the quantity if all products are linked
  5. When you have linked all products, click on close
  6. Adjust the numbers if necessary, add a discount or surcharge, etc.

How did we do?

UBL Sales invoice - e-factoring - OIN - HRN number

How can I see the stock in a sales document?
