Table of Contents

How to search in Newbase

MJA Updated by MJA

​1. Default queries in every start screen

Within the start screen of each module, various default queries are immediately displayed that can help you quickly find records. Below is an explanation of what you see in a home screen.

Top left: default searches that are the same in every module.

Bottom left: only default searches if it concerns a financial module.

Top right: searches created and saved by a user themselves.

Bottom right: other default searches that differ per module.

You can also reach queries that are at the bottom right by clicking on the three dots at the top of your screen and choosing default queries. This way you can also call up the searches when you are not on the home screen.

​2. Save your own search / query

If you often do the same search, which is not standard in Newbase, you can save it and add it to the home screen.

​Click here for more information.

3. Search in a list​

If you want to search within the fields shown in a list, click at the top of your screen in the field 'Click here for search in list...'

A pop-up will open where you can search in one or more fields. The fields shown in this pop-up are in the order of the columns of the list you are in. When you are on the home screen, the fields of the standard list view are shown. You can adjust the order of the columns in a list and therefore also the order of the fields in the search pop-up.

For more information about customizing lists, click here.

4. Extended search > search on all fields in Newbase​

Chapter 3 explained how to search on the fields shown in a list view, but you can search on almost all fields within almost all modules in Newbase!

You do this via 'extended search'.

  1. Click on the three dots at the top of your screen and choose 'extende search'
  2. The pop-up that now opens will show all fields of the module you are in. This can be many fields.
  3. For this reason it is useful to continue your search now via the top 'filter' field. Enter a field name here. Newbase then searches for this field name within the relevant module but also from other related modules
  4. You can also click on the icon for the module name. The module will then collapse and you will also see other modules that you can open

​5. Extend and reduce searches

Within 'extended search' as ​​described above, you can also expand or reduce searches.

Suppose you are in a list with all organizations, but you only want organizations in Amsterdam. Then go to extended search and in the 'city' field type Amsterdam AND then check the box for reduce the found range.

Suppose you also want to include the organizations from Rotterdam, then you go to extended search again and enter the city of Rotterdam in the field AND then check the box for expand found series.

6. Search for multiple records at the same time

Function: ||

For example, you can search for invoice 123 and 453 and 567 by searching for: VF230123||VF230453||VF230567.

Enter the entire serial number.

​7. Search by zero / 0​: ^=​

Function: ^=

With this function, Newbase will search for records where this field has no content (numeric), so is empty.

​8. Search for less than: <​

Function: <

With this function, Newbase will search for records with a numeric value that is less than the entered value.

9. Search for less than or equal to: <=​

Function: <=

With this function, Newbase will search for records with a numeric value that is equal to or less than the entered value.

​10. Search for greater than or equal to: >=​

Function: >=

With this function, Newbase will search for records with a numeric value that is equal to or greater than the entered value.

11. Search for greater than: >​

Function: >

With this function, Newbase will search for records with a numeric value greater than the entered value.

12. Search for a series: ...​

Function: ...

Example: VF0050...VF0099

With this function, Newbase will search for records that start with the first number and end with the last number and all records that are consecutive in between.

13. Search by today​

Function: today

With this function, Newbase will search for records that have 'today as date' in the appropriate field.

How did we do?

Difference start screen - summary screen - edit screen - quick edit

Create and save your own search
