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Create contact

MJA Updated by MJA

A contact is someone you interact with. This can be a contact within an organisation or a private contact. Below is explained how you can create a contact within an organisation. Click here to create a private contact.

  1. Go to the program contact and click on new
  2. The screen as shown below will open


  • If you work with more than one company in Newbase, you first select the relevant company in the upper left corner
  • In the first column you can enter the organisation to which you want to link the new contact
  • If it concerns a contact of a new organisation, you can create both the organisation and the contact directly here in this one screen
  • If it concerns a contact of an existing organisation, Newbase will indicate that matches have been found and you will be given the option to link them, click on the link 'matches found'
  • Then click on the paperclip icon to link the organisation
  • In the second column you can enter personal data of your contact. A person always only exists once in Newbase. For example. Mr. Jansen with his personal data like private address, birthdate and gender.
  • In the third column you can enter the contact data. A contact can appear multiple times in Newbase. For example Mr. Jansen working at organization A and mr. Jansen working at organization B. This means you have Mr. Jansen once as a person in Newbase and twice as a contact.
  1. When you have entered and / or linked all the details, click on 'create contact'
  2. You will now be taken to the summary screen of the contact that you have created

How did we do?

Modify organisation address

Modify organisation address (duplicate)
