Deliver more goods than on sales order

MJA Updated by MJA

In principle, it is not (simply) possible to duplicate a sales order to a delivery note and then increase the quantity on the delivery note. This is only possible if this has been set.

This setting can only be enabled by the application manager.

  1. Go to the module Company > Widget Company Logistics
  2. Check the box 'delivery can exceed order'

If this check box is checked, it is possible to deliver more than ordered and the 'quantity' field on the goods issue line can be increased.

If you are going to deliver more than ordered via the sales order, it is important to ensure that the correct quantity is invoiced to the customer. If invoicing is done from the sales order, the quantity on the sales order will also have to be adjusted before it is duplicated into a sales invoice. If invoicing is done from an issue, the quantity on the issue can be adjusted and duplicated to a sales invoice.


How did we do?

Search for goods that are still to be deliverd

Indicate that goods will no longer be delivered
