Error when booking to Twinfield: ..... cannot be sub analyzed

MJA Updated by MJA

It is important to realize that Twinfield sends this message back to Newbase after Twinfield has performed checks.

This message means that the ledger number to which the booking is made may not be sub-analyzed. A cost center has probably also been entered and this combination is not allowed by Twinfield.

Basically there are two possibilities:

  1. You adjust it in Twinfield (so that subanalysis on the ledger number is possible)
  2. You adjust it in Newbase

We cannot provide accounting advice, so you must determine the solution for your organization yourself.

In Newbase you have the following options:

- You remove the cost account from the product (will not be changed in lines already created!)

- You change the stock ledger to a ledger number that can be sub-analyzed (then you can leave the cost account)

Tip: also compare how you have entered this for similar products

How did we do?

Error when booking to Twinfield: not balanced

Error when booking to Twinfield: ....invalid performance country
