Print a delivery note / pick list

MJA Updated by MJA

From the delivery note it is possible to print a delivery note which can be included with the shipment.

You can print the delivery note but also send it as a PDF.

  1. Go to the relevant delivery note
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the top right to open the menu and choose to create an email with PDF or download PDF and choose packing slip or pick-up list. If this option is not available, please contact Newbase.

The address stated on the delivery note is taken from the sales order. The address in the sales order comes from the organization module. It is possible to change the address in the sales order.

If you have multiple delivery addresses, you must create as many delivery notes as delivery addresses, within the same sales order (partial issues).

Show recipient what has not yet been delivered?

If a partial delivery is made, you have the following two choices:

1 > the delivery note only shows the goods that are actually delivered

2 > the delivery note also lists the goods that have not yet been delivered

With option 1 you must remove the lines that are not yet delivered from the delivery

With option 2 you must set the lines that are not yet delivered to '0'

Shipping/transport costs on the packing slip

If shipping/transport costs are stated on the delivery note, these will in principle also appear on the printout of the delivery note. If this is not desirable, you can do the following:

Transport added as a free line?

If the shipping/transport costs have been added to the sales order via a free line (so the shipping/transport costs are not a product from the product database), you can set the issue line to 'do not print issue'.

Transport addes as a product via the product database?

If the shipping/transport costs are listed as a product in the product database and this product is linked to the sales order, you can indicate within the product card that the product may not be printed on the issue.

How did we do?

Partial delivery (of composed product)

Search for goods that are still to be deliverd
