Message not send / marked as send

MJA Updated by MJA

Newbase is linked to your own mail package. If you receive this message when you try to send a message, it probably means that you or the linked user is not or no longer authorized to send emails from Newbase or that rights may have been adjusted within your Microsoft 365 environment.

Follow the steps below to find out:

Check the message to see which user is linked to the message. Is that the user who is logged in, or is it, for example, a sales or administration email account, or an account of another user? In the print screen below you can see that Karen is logged in, but that the message is sent by the administration department.

Is the user linked to the message authorized? And by this we mean the email address of this linked user. The application manager can check this within the user card of this user.

Does this user also have access to the folder where the linked attachment is stored? Background information: when creating a message from a document, a PDF is created, this PDF is stored on Sharepoint. When the message is sent, this PDF will be retrieved from that location again. It is therefore necessary that the user has access and rights to these folders. The internal application manager knows where these folders are set. Newbase does not have access to your Sharepoint environment.

If you can't figure it out, try the following:

  • Manually create a new test message within the message module. The logged in user is automatically linked to the message. Send the message without attachment. If this is successful, the logged in/linked user is authorized to send emails. If this does not work, you are not authorized. Click here for more information about how you can authorize yourself.
  • Add an attachment to this test message and send it. If this is successful, the logged in/linked user also has access to the folder on Sharepoint. If this does not work, you do not have access and you will need to contact your internal application manager
  • Now link the user on whose behalf you want to send the message to the test message above. And repeat the above steps.

How did we do?

Select another company (for multi-company use)

Work with a Print template (MS Word)
