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Change value lists

MJA Updated by MJA

For a general explanation of what a value list is, click here.

A value list always applies to all companies of a Newbase environment. So you cannot make a value list per company.
You cannot create new value lists. These are pre-programmed in Newbase and can only be modified.
Never adjust the return value of a value list. Click here for more information about return values.
  • Go to the value list program
  • Find the value list that you want to change. In the example below we use Debtor Payment Method

Explanation total screen

Below you see the screen of a value list and you can see that it is divided into 3 boxes.

The top box contains the name of your Newbase environment/company. You cannot change anything here. You cannot set up list boxes per company.

The middle box contains the contents of the list box itself.

The bottom box contains translations for each choice from the middle box. Both translations for you as a user and translations for documents for the customer.

Value List content (middle box)

In the middle box you can change the content of the value list.

  • To change a value, click on the icon in front of the line, for creating a new value, click on the plus sign

Explanation columns:

Sorting: Here you can determine the order of the value list as you see it on your screen when you click on a selection list.

Return value: This number must beunique and may in principle NOT be adjusted after it has been put into use. If you still want to do this, please contact Newbase first. This return value is used in the background in Newbase. Suppose a list has a return value of 1 with a value of 14 days. If you were to change the return value, Newbase no longer knows that this value corresponds to 14 days and all fields containing this value will be changed with all the consequences. The reason Newbase works with a return value is because the application can we used with multiple languages. So 1 value can have more translations. This is the reason Newbase does not look at the text but at the corresponding number.

Display value: the text that will be displayed in the drop-down list.

Default: By making a choice in the default list, this value is always entered in the relevant field when new data is created. Of course you can always choose a different value in the document.

Translations (bottom box)

  • You can translate the values from the middle part of your screen via the bottom part of your screen.
  • Make sure you have selected the value in the middle part which you want to translate/change.
  • Then click in the lower part on the pencil icon at the top right of the widget to edit or create translations
  • Now a new pop-up opens
  • If you want to create a new translation, click on the plus sign in the top right corner and if you want to change a translation, click on the icon in front of the line

In the column 'language' you can choose the desired language.

In the column 'translation' you can translate the value of the list. This applies when working with Newbase in multiple languages. For example the values ​​'per invoice'. If a Dutch user is in this selection list, they will see 'per invoice' and if an English user opens the selection list, they will see 'invoice'.

In the column 'display in your language' you can enter the translation that will be shown on the document.

How did we do?

Link attachement to template

General information ledgers
