How does stock work in Newbase? Why are products not added to the stock

MJA Updated by MJA

There is a difference between purchasing for stock and purchasing for a sales order or customer project. If you purchase without a link to a sales order or a customer project, the goods are added to the stock upon receipt. If you purchase through a sales order or a project, the goods are NOT added to the stock because these goods have been purchased specifically for the order or project and it is not the intention to sell them to someone else.

If a product is not yet a stock product at the time of purchase, the product is considered an out-of-stock product during the entire follow-up process. Even if a stock location is created before the moment of receipt. The product is then not added to the stock upon receipt.

How did we do?

Separate stock mutation / stock correction

Search for products / goods still te be received (purchase order to be received)
