Table of Contents

Price agreements debtor (per product or per rebate group)

MJA Updated by MJA

1. General​

This help file explains how you can record price agreements in Newbase and how to use them.

Price agreements are intended to adjust the standard prices from the product database for certain debtors. 

When creating a sales quotation, order or invoice, we will always first check whether the debtor in question is linked to a price agreement. If this is not the case, the standard price will be taken from the product database. If this is the case, the discount or surcharge will be adopted in accordance with the price agreement.

​2. How to create a price agreement in Newbase​

You can do this within the Debtor Price Agreement module.

Within this module you give the price agreement a name and a code. Linking debtors or setting prices is done somewhere else.

  1. Click on 'new' within the start screen of the debtor price agreement module
  2. An empty screen will now appear where you can enter/link all kinds of things
  3. First you give the price agreement a code and a name

Explanation of fields widget Price agreement:

Code: Under 'code' you enter an abbreviated name of the price agreement

Name: Under 'name' you write down the full name of the price agreement

Inactive: If you do not check the box, the price agreement will no longer appear in the overview. The price agreements remain valid.

Remark:You can enter general information about the price list under 'comment'

3.1 Via discount group

If you have a group of products for which a price agreement applies, we advise you to create a discount group from a group of products and link it to the price agreement. It can then be indicated for each group of products how the price differs. 

3.2 By product

It is also possible to agree on a price for a separate product. You then do this action per product and also note per product how the price should be adjusted. As you can imagine, this is a lot of work. Hence our advice to work with discount groups.

4. Working with a rebate group

4.1 Create rebate group

You first create a rebate group within the module of the same name. Within this module you give the rebate group a name and a code. You can set within the product whether a product belongs to a rebate group. See 4.2.

If you have created a discount group, you can link products to the discount group. To do this, search for the relevant product that you want to link. You can link a discount group within the 'product settings common' widget.

Please note: discount group and product group are two different things in Newbase.

Once you have linked all products to the correct debate group as described in the previous step, you can link the rebate group to the price agreement you created in Chapter 2. You do this within the 'linked discount groups' widget.

You must add at least one price scale line. You do this within the same widget as described in the previous step. Click on the edit icon. Then click on the plus sign for a new price agreement or on the icon for the line to change an existing one.

Please note: You have the following choices:

1. Surcharge or Discount > Surcharge will be added to the standard price of the product and Discount will be deducted from the standard price of the product

2. Fixed amount or Percentage > If you want the surcharge or discount to be a fixed amount, choose a # behind the number. If you want the surcharge or discount to be a percentage of the sales price, choose a % after the number

It is also possible to set a maximum % discount on the graduated rule.

If you enter a percentage here, when a sales document is created, Newbase will automatically calculate whether this maximum is not exceeded.

If you wish, it is possible to work with graduated scales here. To do this you need to change the numbers at the beginning of the line. When you do this, make sure that the values ​​you entered do not overlap.

If you do not want to work with a group of products in a rebate group, but rather one per product, read more here:

  1. Go to the relevant price agreement, as described in Chapter 2, and link the products via the 'linked products' widget
  2. Search for the relevant product. After you have added the product, you must add at least one price scale line per product via the plus sign

It is mandatory to choose a currency. If no currency is set, the price will be taken from the product database when linking the product in a quotation or order.

You can now enter the sales price in different ways:

Sales price:

  • If you enter a price under 'sales price' and no additional surcharge or discount, this price will be shown when linking this product in a quotation or order.
  • If you do not enter a sales price but do enter a surcharge or discount, this will be calculated based on the price from the product database.
  • If you enter a sales price and also a surcharge or discount, when linking the product to a quotation or an order, the sales price from the price list plus/minus the surcharge/discount will be shown.

Surcharge / discount:

  • If you do not enter a sales price but do enter a discount or surcharge, the price will be taken from the product database and the discount or surcharge will be settled on it.
  • If you enter a sales price and also a surcharge or discount, this will be settled.
  • The discount or surcharge will be shown 'by default' on the printout. If you only want to show the net price, this can be set by the application manager.

After the price agreement has been made, it can be linked to debtors who use this price agreement. Linking the price agreement is done in the debtor module.

  1. Find the debtor to which you want to link a price agreement
  2. Link the price agreement via the 'debtor information' widget

Within the price agreement you can also see which debtors are linked to it:

7. How can you see within a document whether a price agreement has been linked?

In the example below you see a new quotation. When a debtor is linked who has a price agreement, you will see this within the 'price agreement' widget of the document. You can also link another price agreement here.

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