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Entry screen of a message

MJA Updated by MJA

What the entry screen of a message looks like depends on how it is set up for you and can be adjusted.

​1. Linking recipients​

If you create a separate new message, you will have to link recipients yourself and perhaps choose a template.

If the message has been created from a document, for example an invoice, then a recipient will most likely already have been linked, a file as a PDF linked, and a standard text entered from a template.

In the 'Message recipients' widget, find the contact you want to send a message to. As soon as you select a contact, it will be shown in the recipient salutation widget. Data can be changed by clicking on the icon at the front of the line.

If you put multiple contacts in the 'on', Newbase will send a message per 'on' by default. The recipient will then not see that there is anyone else in the 'on' mode. If you want to send 1 message with multiple relations in the 'to', so that it is visible to others who are in the 'to', you must use the 'general salutation' field. By entering something there, Newbase will send 1 message. For example, dear Jan and Kees.

When creating a new message from the home screen of the message module, the logged in user is automatically linked to the message as the sender by default.

If a message is created from a document, another user may automatically be linked to the message if this is set up within a template.

If you want to manually change the sender, you can do this within the 'Message detail' setting widget.

Permission to send a message from another user must be set. For more information about this click here.

If a message is created from a document for which a template exists, it will automatically be included in the message or if multiple templates exist for that module, you will be given a choice.

If you want to overwrite a template or link a template, you do this within the 'show message detail' widget. See print screen. Of course, there must be templates for the message module.

How did we do?

Create and send one or more (batch) messages with attachments

Export CRM data such as email addresses and addresses to Excel
