How does a discount / surcharge work in Newbase?

MJA Updated by MJA

1. General

Within the standard settings of Newbase you can choose between 2 variants. How Newbase operates concerning discounts and surcharges depends on these settings.

1. Discount or surcharge on the total amount of the line

2. Discount or surcharge per unit of the line

This default setting can be changed per document via the widget 'selected line sales'

2. How is the discount calculated by default

In the example below, we assume that the discount / surcharge is calculated over the total amount of the line.


The total amount in a line is Euro 1,000.00

- a discount of 10% - gives a discount amount of Euro 100.00

-a surcharge of -5% - gives a surcharge of Euro -50.00

3. Alternative calculation

If there is both a discount and a surcharge in a line, it is possible to specify the order of the calculation, so first discount then surcharge, or first surcharge then discount.

When using percentages, the choice does not matter and then, for example, at first discount then surcharge:

discount 100, surcharge 5% over (1000-100) = 45, so result 855 instead of 850.

This can be enabled with flexcode by the Newbase support desk.

4. Discount through price agreements

If you work with a price agreement for a customer, you can record these within the price agreements program.

When making a sales quotation, order or invoice, it will always be checked first whether the relevant debtor is linked to a price agreement. If this is not the case, the standard price will be taken from the product database.

Click here for more information about price agreements.

5. Display of discount / surcharge on the prints

Depending on the type of prints that are using (are you using our standard prints or are prints made especially for you), it is good to check how a discount and / or surcharge is shown on the print. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Newbase support department.

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