Linking a project to a purchase order after goods are received

MJA Updated by MJA

Do you want to link a project to a purchase order when goods al already received?

Below mentioned is applicable when working with journal entries and will make sure your financial administration we stay up to date.
  1. Go to the relevant goods receipt and unlock the good receipt (if you work with journal entries, a counter entry is now made in and the balance total is Euro 00.00)
  2. Delete the lines in the goods receipt
  3. Lock the goods receipt (if you work with journal entries, no new journal entries are created because there are no lines). So you now have an empty goods receipt.
  4. Now go to the relevant purchase order and unlock it
  5. Link the desired customer project and lock the purchase order
  6. Duplicate the purchase order to a new goods receipt

How did we do?

Create purchase orders from a selection of sales orders (collect)

Cancel a purchase order
