How can you renew / update product data in existing financial sales documents?

MJA Updated by MJA

If you have changed something in the product database, this data will be adopted when creating new documents. Existing documents still contain the 'old' product data and are NOT automatically updated.

If you also want to renew the data on an existing quotation, order or invoice, you can do this via the steps below:

  1. Open the sales document for which you want to refresh the product data
  2. Place the document in editing mode
  3. Go to the widget 'input fin. lines sales & discount' and click on the arrows icon
  4. A pop-up will open where you can indicate which data you want to refresh
  5. You can choose to change all data > to do this, click on the check mark in front of 'all'
  6. You can also choose to check 1 or more checkboxes, make sure that the top checkboxes are unchecked in this case

How did we do?

Replace discount/surcharge in all lines in one go

Set a sales order to 'paid'
